A Journey Back To Whole

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gogol's Marriage

I am currently helping out a theatre company in Philadelphia called the Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium. It's a mouthful I know, but they are a truly talented and dedicated theatre company, worthy of every hard earned dime we can rustle up to aide them on their creative journey.

Less than a month ago we launched a Kick Starter fundraising campaign. We shot a fantastic video, to document their latest production, Marriage (an utterly improbable occurrence in two acts), by Nikolai Gogol.

The IRC breathe new life into absurdist theatre classics. Work by Frisch, Giradoux, Ianesco, and Vian, masterpieces, rarely seen by theatre goers here, or for that matter, anywhere in the world. But the  IRC has a mission:  to render this timeless theatre genre alive, rescue it from obscurity and place it in the public eye.

We are all excited about our February, premiere, Marriage. The play tells a story of the reluctant suitor, coerced, in competition, to win the hand of  well dowried, bride to be, Agafya. Sound familiar?  Though it was written in 1833, it is, eerily similar to  modern matchmaking that happens, on reality TV. Picture an episode of  "Millionaire Matchmaker" on Fox network and you have the idea. 

Characters include a matchmaker, silly suitors, and a team of St. Petersburg cheerleaders, who throw their two rubles into an utterly hilarious  arena.

Have a look at our pitch. If you have a dollar or two to share, throw it in their hat. Every dollar counts. If you are a lover of the arts, show your support. If you are near or in Philadelphia, come out to see Marriage. You will not be disappointed! 

Join me, and help the IRC continue on their absurd journey. Help us  preserve these rare theatrical gems. Give your nod of approval.  Throw two rubles into an  absurdist theatre troupe’s hat, so the Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium can continue to bring good nothingness to life. 

Follow the link below to for a wonderful taste of what they do best! I thank you for listening to my pitch and give up some cash, if you can. If you can't, just enjoy this. It will put a smile on your face!

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