Today I post a poem. I haven't shared any of my poetry to date, as it is usually on the more personal side of my life. But my friend's sage advice, that to be a writer one must share her work, rings very loud in my head. Here goes! I would love to hear some feedback.
A November
moon above
My world
you enter
We exchange
our details
We share
common threads
between us
Feels as if I have
known you
my life
fell apart at her seams
I tell you, I cry
you listen
I long to let go
you hear
You speak of your life
I open my heart
Your confusion
I see, I concur
We both know
Time has passed
March Ides upon us
Tis I
now confused
What to call
our coupling
Past ghosts
won't allow me
such whim
If not love
what holds us
I wonder
I ask
You lay a warm hand
on my shoulder
You pull me in
you say
My dear
I sleep soundly now
underneath your arm
I have found
"A man that don't believe in destiny don't need to know what his destiny